Every night since Hannah was born, we have included prayers in our bedtime routine. Either Jason & I will say them and at first - before she could talk, naturally - Hannah would just listen. Now she likes them so much she requests her prayers, and in particular at this point in time she wants daddy to do them (she is in a phase where she wants daddy to do everything!). But, tonight, we mixed it up, and daddy asked her if she wanted to say her prayers. Here's what she said:
"Thank you, God, for the day..."
(This is how the prayers always start.)
And then she continued:
"Thank you for turtles. Thank you for monkeys. Thank you for zebras. Thank you for Grandma. Thank you for daddy-mommy."
(She often refers to us as "daddy-mommy" collectively.)
Isn't that cute? I'd say.
Thank you, God, for our Hannah girl.