Monday, June 18, 2012

Progress today

Yesterday after I posted that I was back in hell things started to clear up a bit. A lot of the burning subsided for the first time in days, and the medicine seemed to be working. I was able to enjoy Father's Day with my family. I am getting ready to head to the doctor for an ultrasound. I should get results back today from that and the bloodwork they did over the weekend. Not sure what to expect, but in a way I wish they would identify an issue that has a definitive treatment rather than this constant guessing and fluctuating of anti-depressant/anxiety medicine that we're doing. In preparation for the ultrasound I have not been able to eat or drink anything since midnight, so at this moment I'm hungry, thirsty, and unable to take any medicine, so I feel a little crappy, but not as bad as it has been. I am continuing to act normal in effort to feel normal. We've been able to take Hannah home to stay the past two nights, which has been so wonderful. I love having her home. My prayer is that I continue to make positive progress and put this hell experience behind me. I pray this relapse ceases and I never have another one. I pray that the medical community figures out a quick treatment for this and wakes up to the need for more/better treatment options for women with PPD. I pray for God's strength to get through for me and my family.

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